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A need to invest in mentoring.

Founded in 2017, Youth EMPWD emerged out of a pursuit to empower students of color to take responsibility for their own learning, develop their capacities to excel, and reimagine their futures. We are dedicated to connecting students of color ages 13-19 with employers large or small, whose employees serve in a mentoring capacity. Through our Mentor After School Students program ("MASS"), we facilitate continued academic engagement and achievement, illustrate the role mentoring can play in increasing youth career exploration, and positively impact the development of non-cognitive skills that can help students find balance and overcome obstacles in their personal, social, and school life.

Youth EMPWD envisions a world in which every child has a chance to succeed when coached by a personal mentor, who can help them succeed educationally, professionally, socially, and emotionally.

Home: About


Over 169 future occupations will require a bachelor’s degree (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics- 2019-2029 forecast).

1 IN 3

1 in 3 young people will grow up without a mentor.


The unemployment rate for youth ages 16–19 hovers around 20 percent, with worse rates for certain underrepresented and historically marginalized groups (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Home: Infographics


Mentoring is the perfect opportunity to empower a young person. Youth EMPWD is currently partnering with employers large or small in the Middlesex and Suffolk Counties in Massachusetts. Come embark on a journey and make a measurable difference in the lives of the students we serve. Our students are eager to learn from you.

If you're a current student, what future occupation are you interested in?

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